DIG YOUR JOB: Keep it or Find a New One
By GL Hoffman
Review By Lisa Hagendorf
Found At Playboy.com
I am fortunate enough to have been spared the chopping block given the current economy, but it seems everyone knows at least one person who hasn't been as lucky. For those still employed you may not feel completely secure, so when I found out about DIG YOUR JOB: Keep it or Find a New One I was amazed that it offered “more than 200 tips on keeping or finding a new job in today’s job market -- including over 50 RPT.” (As an enthusiast of gratuitous abbreviations I was amused to learn that RPT stands for “recession protector tips”).
Dig Your Job is that rare career-advice book that not only tells you how to get a new job but also offers advice to determine if keeping the one you have is the best option. Author G.L. Hoffman brings a quick-witted, SNL writing-style to otherwise traditional career topics, which engage, cajole, insult and advise us how to get along better at work…or find a new job. Think All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten on Red Bull.
To read the entire review please click here.
To visit GL Hoffman's personal blog please click here.
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